Thursday 11 February 2021

This is a blog about self-realization and self-development. I am not a psychologist, not a coach, and not at all some kind of "guru". But every day I try to get better. I read a lot of books, think about what I read, and then apply it all in my life. I will share this information with my readers. I hope that it will be useful to many to improve their life and become a little happier.

Pablo Picasso said: "Be who you are." And it is exactly to this — the discovery of precisely our potential — that we should strive for in order to realize ourselves in the life of our dreams.

All blog materials, unless expressly stated otherwise, are copyright. A link to the blog when using these materials is required.

This is a blog about self-realization and self-development. I am not a psychologist, not a coach, and not at all some kind of "guru&q...